Hi, my name is Mehdi Rahimi
I'm Python Developer.

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About me

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As a curious and passionate developer, I have always been drawn to the world of computers and new technologies.

With +5 years of practical experience, I have developed a strong proficiency in Python and Django. I prioritize producing elegant and well-organized OOP solutions that resonate with fellow developers. My aptitude for self-discipline and commitment to ongoing enhancement enable me to navigate projects seamlessly, persistently aiming to enhance quality incrementally, line by line.

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Work Experience

Snapp! CarFix - Back End

Jul 2022 - Jun 2023

SnappCarFix is an e-commerce platform for automotive parts and services, supported by Snapp, a ride-hailing company.


■ Focused on developing API endpoints with DRF and GraphQL, while adhering to industry standards and optimizing existing code for reusability and alignment with the DRY principle.

■ Creation of an open-source SDK for seamless integration with payment gateways like "Sadad (Iran’s national bank)" enabling various payment-related tasks (accessible on my GitHub).

■ Expansion of Saleor e-commerce platform with new features such as OTP, product bundles, and native payment gateways support, utilizing GraphQL for CRUD operations and database design.

Mentorship of two entry-level developers in Python, Django, web development, clean coding, and OOP.

■ Development of specialized monitoring panel for VoIP calls, enhancing performance with caching system and implementing permission system, deployed using Docker and Docker-compose.

■ Implementation of data warehouse to centralize structured data from over ten company databases using Celery, facilitating effective analysis for business intelligence (BI) system, also deployed using Docker and Docker-compose.


#Django Rest Framework








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iPanel - Full Stack

iPanel is a multilingual and multicurrency social media service provider that offers the purchase of Instagram likes, followers, and views. The platform is built on Django and incorporates modules such as Celery, Django channels (websockets), and Pillow. Additionally, iPanel is integrated with the Instagram and Telegram APIs to provide seamless social media service delivery across different languages and currencies.







#Instagram API

#Telegram API


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LazyHelper - Full Stack

LazyHelper is an open-source, user-friendly interface that allows remote control of your computer's shutdown, reboot, sleep, lock, and other functions. It also provides customizable commands and buttons, as well as a convenient feature for copying text to the clipboard. Additionally, LazyHelper features an API that can be utilized in various applications and smart home services such as Alexa.





See Demo Source Code









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